Manure Manager

Features Regional Regulations
Marathon County prepares plan for land use

January 21, 2011  by Wausau Daily Herald

January 10, 2011, Wausau,
WI – Marathon County officials and some county residents will try to address
runoff pollution, keep an eye on stretched groundwater supplies and preserve
farmland, among other initiatives included in a 10-year county management plan.
January 10, 2011, Wausau,
WI – Marathon County officials and some county residents will try to address
runoff pollution, keep an eye on stretched groundwater supplies and preserve
farmland, among other initiatives included in a 10-year county management plan.

During the past year,
residents and county, state and federal officials have worked to develop the
management plan and its emphasis on balanced land use throughout the county's 1
million acres.

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