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CA dairy co-op raises stink over biogas plant

June 6, 2011  by Sierra 2 the Seas

dairycows02June 6, 2011, Pixley, CA –
A proposed Tulare County biogas plant is being opposed by California Dairies
Inc, which has a milk processing facility nearby. The plant, near Pixley, CA,
would take manure from nearby dairies that would be digested in an enclosed
below ground concrete digester, turning a waste product into a renewable
natural gas substitute. Ironically, the complaints from CDI are similar to ones
dairy farmers get all the time – concerns about the smell, water, air pollution
and public perception.
June 6, 2011, Pixley, CA –
A proposed Tulare County biogas plant is being opposed by California Dairies
, which has a milk processing facility nearby. The plant, near Pixley, CA,
would take manure from nearby dairies that would be digested in an enclosed
below ground concrete digester, turning a waste product into a renewable
natural gas substitute. Ironically, the complaints from CDI are similar to ones
dairy farmers get all the time – concerns about the smell, water, air pollution
and public perception.


In April a county-hired
consultant completed a 185 page environmental assessment of the Pixley biogas
project and found with some mitigation the project did not have a significant
environmental impact.

Click here to read more.



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