Manure Manager

News Associations Business/Policy Canada
Top five needs for Indigenous agriculture producers determined

September 27, 2021  by  Bree Rody

Farm Management Canada has released its report on the business management needs of Indigenous agriculture producers. The report, titled The Path Forward, saw Farm Management Canada work with Indigenous agricultural business owners from coast-to-coast through surveys, focus groups and interviews.

The five key needs the report found included:

  • A need to build lasting relationships with Indigenous communities;
  • Increase awareness of and access to Indigenous agricultural opportunities and support programs;
  • Enhance Indigenous educational opportunities
  • Expand Indigenous support services; and
  • Enhance Indigenous research and analysis.

Overall, according to Farm Management Canada, there is a desire from Indigenous producers for more business management training, and there is a growing number of Indigenous people in agriculture working to build community, economic opportunity and food self-determination.

The report was completed through the guidance of the Canadian Agricultural Human Resources Council’s Indigenous Advisory Council, with support from Bayer, Farm Credit Canada and the Canadian Canola Growers Association.


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