Manure Manager

Ohio DNR designates watershed distressed

January 24, 2011  by Manure Manager

algaebloomJanuary 20, 2011,
Columbus, OH – Due to the unprecedented harmful algal blooms in 2009 and 2010,
the Grand Lake St. Marys watershed has been designated a watershed in distress
as of January 18, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).

January 20, 2011,
Columbus, OH – Due to the unprecedented harmful algal blooms in 2009 and 2010,
the Grand Lake St. Marys watershed has been designated a watershed in distress
as of January 18, according to the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR).

A recent analysis,
conducted by ODNR’s division of soil and water resources, concluded that the
Grand Lake St. Marys (GLSM) watershed met the criteria for designation as a
watershed in distress.


The study looked at a
number of issues, such as:

  • Is the watershed listed as
    impaired by nutrients from agricultural sources, according to the Ohio
    Environmental Protection Agency
  • Does the watershed exhibit
    conditions that can affect public health?
  • Is there a threat or
    presence of contaminants in a public drinking water source or recreational body
    of water?
  • Do unacceptable nuisance
    conditions exist including the depletion of dissolved oxygen resulting in
    impacts to aquatic life?

The analysis report was
submitted to the seven-member Ohio Soil and Water Conservation Commission for
review on January 18. The members unanimously voted to support the designation.

The new designation
requires additional regulations for livestock operations and manure management
within a distressed watershed. Specifically, all livestock operations and
manure applicators handling greater than 350 tons and/or 100,000 gallons of
manure per year must immediately begin following U.S. Department of Agriculture,
Natural Resource Conservation Service
standards for land application.

Nutrient management plans
must be submitted to the ODNR’s division of soil and water resources; affected
operations will be required to conform to the management plans by December 15,
2012. The rules also restrict winter application of manure beginning January
19, 2013.

The GLSM watershed
encompasses 59,160 acres across Mercer and Auglaize counties in western Ohio.


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