October 6, 2008 – Four U.S. pork
production operations have been selected to represent the nation’s pork
industry as 2008 Pork Environmental Stewards.
October 6, 2008 – Four U.S. pork production operations have been selected to represent the nation’s pork industry as 2008 Pork Environmental Stewards.
The 2008 award recipients are:
- Enterprise Nursery, Madrid, Nebraska
- Oetting Farms, Concordia, Montana
- O’Neel Farms, Friend, Nebraska
- Veldkamp Farms, Jasper, Minnesota
The Pork Checkoff and the National Hog Farmer magazine awarded the honor to the four pork-producing operations that best demonstrate a firm commitment to safeguarding the environment and the communities surrounding them.
The judges evaluated the different operations’ manure management systems, water and soil conservation practices, odor-control strategies, farm aesthetics, neighbor relations, wildlife habitat promotion, innovative ideas used to protect the environment, and an essay on the meaning of environmental stewardship.