Manure Manager

Manure task force recommendations presented in Wisconsin

April 3, 2008  by Manure Manager

Recommendations from the
Manure Management Task Force on how to minimize manure run-off events
have been presented to the secretaries of two state agencies charged
with protecting Wisconsin’s water resources from the impacts of animal

    Recommendations from the Manure Management Task Force on how to minimize manure run-off events have been presented to the secretaries of two state agencies charged with protecting Wisconsin’s water resources from the impacts of animal agriculture.

    The state-appointed task force was convened to provide recommendations to limit manure run-off events and to protect Wisconsin’s ground and surface water. The 16-member group included representatives of farm, environmental and local government interests.

    “The task force unanimously agreed that our state goal should be for all farmers to implement winter spreading plans, emergency response plans and manure hauling procedures,” said task force co-chair Steve Born. “Another critical step is increasing funding for nutrient management plans. For the sake of our economy and environment, the time for addressing these issues is now.”


    The DNR and the Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection will evaluate the report of the Task Force and develop a strategy to implement its recommendations.


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