Location important for manure stockpiling
Like the real
estate business, location-location-location is equally important for
stockpiling manure solids in an environmentally safe manner.
May 22, 2008 – Like the real estate business, location-location-location is equally important for stockpiling manure solids in an environmentally safe manner.
Suitable locations are generally determined by setbacks from waters (including ditches and tile intakes), slope and the soil profile. Stockpiles are prohibited on land with greater than six percent slope, and on soils if the entire profile (to a depth of five feet below plow depth) is coarser than a sandy-loam. The coarse soils provision primarily impacts special cases where a field may sit on a potential gravel resource or old riverbed across the entire site.
Manure may not be stockpiled for more than one year, unless on a pad installed under permanent stockpile provisions.
More detailed information is available on a manure stockpiling fact sheet on the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) web site or from any MPCA regional office.