Manure Manager

Green Mountain Technologies, Inc.

September 5, 2008  by Manure Manager

Green Mountain Technologies has
taken its in-vessel control technology and created a skid-mounted
aeration system for Aerated Static Pile (ASP) facilities.

Green Mountain Technologies has taken its in-vessel control technology and created a skid-mounted aeration system for Aerated Static Pile (ASP) facilities. The skid comes with blower, dampers and control panel all mounted and ready to connect to aeration plenums and biofilter. The modular skid design minimizes site installation and engineering costs and installs quickly.

The primary aeration control strategy utilizes a variable frequency drive to regulate blower speed to maintain constant duct pressure and minimize energy costs. Secondary aeration control is via zone dampers, which regulate volume of air flow to each ASP zone. The system can operate in either positive or negative aeration modes by manually or automatically switching suction and pressure connections to the blower. Processed air can be recirculated back to the piles or directed to a biofilter for odor control. The system includes a main control panel, field control panel (one for every four zones), and a J-box for each zone with a control damper and two temperature probes. All panel-to-panel communication is digital via Ethernet cable, which minimizes field wiring requirements. Wireless temperature probes are available for sites where cables could interfere with operations.

The ASP process requires no turning and less land area than windrows.  First manure is blended with other feedstocks and water added to create a compostable mix. Then the material is stacked on top of perforated pipe sucks air down through the pile to maintain aerobic conditions and minimize odors. Air flow is regulated by computer controller and dampers to maintain sterilizing temperatures.


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