Manure Manager

Products Manure Application Equipment
Bazooka Farmstar releases enhanced Titan Series Toolbar for spring 2020

January 6, 2020  by Manure Manager

Bazooka Farmstar has released an enhancement to their Titan Series Toolbar.

The Titan Series was the first front-folding manure injection toolbar upon its release in 2015. Titan 2 improves upon several features of the original. The tower has been moved forward to more closely align with the tires, creating less resistance when turning in the ground at the end of a pass. The design of the toolbar body has been reinforced to withstand exceptionally rugged field conditions. The new design comes in lengths from 40 feet to 60 feet, increasing the number of Phantom units that can be incorporated across the toolbar. It has been equipped with larger flotation tires to counteract the steel that has been incorporated into the new design.

Titan 2 includes two new standard features. The Flux Manifold is accompanied with a new lift assist for more convenient clean-out, and a block indicator light that allows operators to quickly detect an obstruction in the manifold. Three-inch bumblebee drop-tubes hold the hose routing, minimizing sagging that would otherwise cause sand build-up and hose clogging.


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