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Organix begins shipping RePeet

November 30, 1999  by Organix

February 1, 2011, Walla Walla, WA – Organix, Inc. of Walla Walla, WA, recently announced that it has begun shipping its horticultural peat moss alternative, RePeet™, from a dairy in Yakima County, WA.

February 1, 2011, Walla Walla, WA – Organix, Inc.of Walla Walla, WA, recently announced that it has begun shipping its horticultural peat moss alternative, RePeet™, from a dairy in Yakima County, WA.

RePeet is manufactured from dairy fiber resulting from the anaerobic digestion of manure for renewable energy production. An anaerobic digester acts like a short term, renewable peat bog – submerging the fiber for up to 45 days. Organix further processes the fiber after digestion with its patented system, improving the fiber’s characteristics as a peat-like, soil amendment.

Russell V. Davis, president of Organix, says the company expects to ship 40,000 yards of RePeet in 2011 from this facility, much of which has already been secured with contracts.

“Everyone wins,” says Davis. “Manure management techniques are improved creating a significant environmental benefit. Secondly, RePeet can reduce peat bog harvesting, a contentious issue for many. Also, the horticultural user now has access to a reliable, renewable amendment. What’s more, it’s a domestically produced product that creates jobs in the local, rural community.”

According to Davis, RePeet is priced competitively with peat. Peat moss – a common soil amendment used at nurseries and in bagged mixes – has come under pressure over the last decade from environmental groups who claim that peat harvesting and transport may be a significant contributor to climate change.

Much of the peat used for horticultural applications in the U.S. comes from southern Canada. Increasing fuel prices have translated into increased peat costs. Additionally, bad weather can affect harvest and product availability.


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