Environment Protection
Manure Management
Literature review requested involving use of manure on tile drained land
December 23, 2015 by Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative Inc.
December 23, 2015, Winnipeg, Man – The Manitoba Livestock Manure Management Initiative Inc. (MLMMI) is currently inviting qualified individuals, partnerships, companies, and research organizations to submit an application to conduct a literature review in the area of Beneficial Management Practices for the Application of Manure on Tile Drained Lands.
The MLMMI is interested in receiving applications to conduct a detailed, critical and unbiased literature review covering manure application on lands with subsurface water management systems. While the final project should include reference to beneficial management practices (BMPs) that have been adopted in other jurisdictions that could be relevant in Manitoba, the recommendation of BMPs for Manitoba is beyond the scope of this project.
The application should address the following questions and objectives, with specific reference to how these findings are relevant to Manitoba conditions:
- Detail the factors that need to be considered when determining whether or not subsurface drainage is beneficial.
- Review and provide a summary of research on nutrient and pathogen transport from tile drained lands to waters. Comparison of nutrient and pathogen transport from non-tiled land and tiled land amended with manures would be particularly valued.
- Describe the structures, methods and approaches that are currently being used in controlled drainage systems (those that go beyond conventional tile drainage) and their suitability for use under Manitoba conditions.
- Summarize operating BMPs that decrease risk of nutrient and pathogen transport to water that can occur with subsurface drainage systems.
- Summarize system maintenance BMPs that decrease risk of nutrient and pathogen transport to water that can occur with subsurface drainage systems.
- Outline any gaps in the research that has been conducted to date and make recommendations as to future R&D needs/priorities in the use of tile drainage in Manitoba.
Applicants of approved projects also must assist MLMMI to communicate project findings to industry stakeholders and to the public. Therefore, all applications should clearly demonstrate how they plan to do so in the communications plan section of the project application form.
Preferred applicants will have significant knowledge and experience in nutrient planning and manure application in Manitoba. They will have a soil science or an engineering background.
Interested parties are invited to contact John Carney, executive director of MLMMI, at 204-945-2122 or john.carney@gov.mb.ca