Manure Manager

Vacuum bubble technology effective for dairies

March 31, 2008  by Advanced Aeration Inc

Advanced Aeration Inc (AAI) of
Angleton, Texas specializes in the development, manufacturing,
marketing and sales of advanced technologies associated with the
treatment of commercial and industrial wastewater.

Advanced Aeration Inc (AAI) of Angleton, Texas specializes in the development, manufacturing, marketing and sales of advanced technologies associated with the treatment of commercial and industrial wastewater. AAI’s products include wastewater treatment systems, aeration systems, bio-sensing devices, microbial inoculum, and other associated products.

The dairy industry is feeling the pressure of regulations to manage its waste, and communities are more and more vocal about the odors from large operations. Advanced Aeration’s vacuum bubble technology (VBT) has proven its effectiveness in enabling dairies to operate within regulatory constraints, and be good neighbors, the company says.

Advanced Aeration is said to have shown the positive results of using VBT in dairy lagoons, including BOD reductions of 75 percent and TSS reductions of 65 percent. In the case of an Iowa dairy lagoon, odor dropped by 80 percent in two weeks, and by 95 percent in six weeks. Hydrogen sulfide was reduced by 90 percent in two weeks and ammonia concentrations were reduced by 70 percent in six weeks.

Advanced Aeration Inc’s innovative VBT technology addresses the problems of BOD and waste treatment by improving the performance of aerobic bacteria to consume organic wastes.

The company’s Aerator 300 is ideal for mid-sized CAFO facilities, according to the company. This unit has a floatation platform available as an option.


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