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USDA, CFIA develop trade solution for African swine fever in pigs

March 19, 2021  by  Bree Rody

U.S. and Canadian swine farmers alike could soon have a trade solution for African swine fever in pigs, should the issue begin to affect feral swine in either country.

The USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) have developed a protocol to ensure a bilateral trade agreement to ensure that trade will continue if ASF is detected in feral swine in either country, while still absent from domestic swine.

Upon first detection of ASF feral swine infection, trade between the two countries would initially stop, but would resume following three progressive phases with increasingly reduced restriction on live swine, swine germ plasm and untreated swine commodities. Transitions between the first and second protocol will depend on how quickly the two countries establish initial control areas, surveil cases and findings and start surveillance in captive swine. The third and final phase will see trade restrictions reduced to the boundaries of the established control area.

USDA chief veterinarian Dr. Burke Healey called the effort “a science-based approach” that will aid both countries as trade partners.


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