Manure Manager

Raven Industries develops new boom control system

March 9, 2008  by Manure Manager


Raven Industries has released the SmartBoom automatic boom control system.


Raven Industries has released the SmartBoom automatic boom control system. The SmartBoom system offers automatic boom valve section control, which turns boom sections on or off, reducing costly spraying errors such as skips and overlaps. The SmartBoom provides a true ‘plug and play’ complement to the Raven SCS family of rate controllers.

The SmartBoom system is similar to the existing AccuBoom system, but it is a completely self-contained system, eliminating the need to use an Envizio Plus or Viper to control the system. Using ‘spray’ or ‘no spray zone’ areas, the SmartBoom controller automatically turns the boom section off if the boom section is in a previously applied area, eliminating overlaps. It also eliminates skips by turning boom sections back on after leaving a previously applied area.

The SmartBoom system can control up to seven boom sections at a time
and is compatible with the Raven SCS series controllers (SCS 440, 450, 460, and 660). In addition, the SmartBoom system will work with any GPS receiver that has a minimum update
rate of 4.0Hz.


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