Manure Manager

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Pig producers and company integrators must work together to help reduce antibiotic resistance

August 24, 2021  by Michelle L. Soupir, Iowa State University

Iowa produces the most pigs in the United States. Veterinarians and farm managers give antibiotics to the pigs to keep them strong and healthy, much like the use of medicine for patients in hospitals. In general, antibiotics do a good job of killing harmful bacteria. But some bacteria are able to survive in the presence of antibiotics, known as antibiotic resistance. It is important to lower the chances for antibiotic resistance for antibiotics to stay effective. One place we often find antibiotic resistance is in manure stored under pig farms. The manure contains bacteria, antibiotics and antibiotic resistant bacteria. The goal of this project is to see if pig farm management can change the antibiotic resistance in the stored manure. | READ MORE


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