Manure Manager

Iowa manure bill may violate federal law

April 15, 2009  by  Marg Land

manurelagoon02April 14, 2009, Des Moines, IA – A bill being debated by Iowa House
members prohibiting farmers from applying manure between Feb. 1 and
April 1 may violate federal regulations, according to a report in the
Des Moines Register.

April 14, 2009, Des Moines, IA – A bill being debated by Iowa House members prohibiting farmers from applying manure between Feb. 1 and April 1 may violate federal regulations, according to a report in the Des Moines Register.

manurelagoon02The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has submitted a letter outlining a similar proposal, Senate File 432, warning the proposal may violate federal regulations.

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