Manure Manager

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From the editor: May-June 2015

What’s black, white and read all over?

May 14, 2015  by  Marg Land


Welcome to the crisp, clean, newly redesigned May/June 2015 edition of Manure Manager magazine.

It’s not very often we have an opportunity to get excited about clean white space in the editorial department of Manure Manager so please excuse us while we brag about the new look.

With spring officially in full swing, we decided it was time to do away with the old – some of which had been in place since the magazine first launched back in 2003 – and try on something fresh and new. We hope you enjoy it as much as we do.

Of course, we’ve held on to some of our tried and true favorites, including our issue themes. May/June means swine production and this issue is jam-packed with information, including a feature on two of the winners of the 2014 Pork Industry Environmental Stewards. Based in Iowa and Missouri, these two operations share their award-winning manure management practices with writer Diane Mettler.

We also have a feature on Reed Family Farms, named Pork All-American by the Iowa Pork Producers Association. Champions of environmental stewardship, the operation has also been named the Prettiest Farm in Iowa and has received multiple awards from the IPPA and the National Pork Board.

On the research front, writer Tony Kryzanowski describes the latest work being done by a team with Alberta Agriculture and Rural Development. The group is examining ways to “mine” raw poultry manure digestate to extract nitrogen and phosphorus with an end result of creating an organic liquid fertilizer for nursery crops.

As well, Michigan State University assistant professor Tim Harrigan highlights the work being done on a Clayton, Mich., farm to protect water quality, including the use of a closed-loop nutrient recycling system to keep nitrogen and phosphorus from escaping into the environment. This includes a 20-acre sub-irrigation system that provides efficent use of two million gallons of “gray” water.

Last but not least is an article highlighting the upcoming North American Manure Expo, being held July 14 and 15 in Chambersburg, Penn. One of the industry’s most hotly anticipated event, this year’s expo will feature two days of tours, demonstrations, product launches, and educational sessions. Plans are already underway to transform a field of wheat stubble into a one-stop spot for all things manure related. You definitely don’t want to miss out on the perfect opportunity to see and learn the latest and greatest about manure application and nutrient management.

Once again, we hope you enjoy the newly redesigned Manure Manager. In the coming issues, we hope to introduce new ideas and voices to the editorial mix. Be sure to share your thoughts by contacting us c/o





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