Manure Manager

CA air quality permit workshops slated for October

August 31, 2010  by Western United Dairymen

August 30, 2010 – The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District
has changed its attainment status to extreme (the worst possible
status) with the result that many smaller farming operations now fall
under emission permitting thresholds.

August 30, 2010 – The San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District has changed its attainment status to extreme (the worst possible status) with the result that many smaller farming operations now fall under emission permitting thresholds.

The major source threshold has dropped from 25 tons per year of NOx and VOC emissions to 10 tons per year. Ag facilities have been required to obtain air permits with emissions of half the major source threshold, so the new rules means that the permit threshold for ag sources is now five tons per year for NOx and VOCs.

The immediate impact for Central Valley dairies is that those with herds of approximately 175 cows or more will be subject to district air permit requirement.

To assist dairy producers and other ag producers with these requirements, WUD has joined with a coalition of farming groups to host air permit educational workshops starting October 5.

“These workshops will provide a one-stop shop to get information on the new requirements, explained Paul Martin, Western United Dairymen’s director of environmental services. “WUD staff will be on hand at all workshops to help answer your questions. There are other rules also apply to dairies, such as those for fuel storage and diesel pumps, and those rules will be explained as well.”

For a list of upcoming workshops, please click here.


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