Manure Manager

Winter manure applications

February 24, 2010  by Wisconsin Crop Manager

February 24, 2010 – UW Discovery Farms research has shown that a
significant amount of the water that leaves our farm fields annually
actually runs off in February and March
Winter Manure Applications.

February 24, 2010 – UW Discovery Farms research has shown that a significant amount of the water that leaves our farm fields annually actually runs off in February and March
Winter Manure Applications: It’s About Risk Management
Paul Kivlin, NPM Northwest Regial Specialist, UW Discovery Farms

As days become longer and spring approaches, many of us begin to think about things to do on the farm once the snow and ice disappear. But as snow and ice disappear, a time appears when the majority of water (and nutrient) movement on our farms begin. | READ MORE

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