Manure Manager

Sixth National AgSTAR Conference announced

November 22, 2010  by Manure Manager

November 22, 2010 – Mark
your calendars for AgSTAR’s Sixth National Conference slated for May 10-12,
2011, in Boise, Idaho.

November 22, 2010 – Mark
your calendars for AgSTAR’s Sixth National Conference slated for May 10-12,
2011, in Boise, Idaho.

It will start with
optional site tours to local dairy farms on May 10 and a welcoming
reception/early registration that evening, followed by a two-day conference May
11 and 12, which will include technical sessions, networking events, and an
exhibit hall.

The conference is a must
for livestock producers, project developers, regulators, energy professionals,
financiers, and others interested in this field.


Based on feedback from
last year, AgSTAR will expand networking opportunities and provide educational
sessions on new technologies, case studies, financial support, energy policy,
and much more. Staff is currently working on the program topics and will issue
a call for abstracts later this month to solicit speakers. The conference will
also continue to provide free space for interested exhibitors. The application
for exhibitors and sponsors will be issued soon.

AgSTAR will provide
additional conference information via its website,

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