Manure Manager

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PEDv found in Manitoba sow barn

June 2, 2016  by Manitoba Pork Council

June 2, 2016, Winniepg, Man – On May 26, Manitoba’s Chief Veterinary Office (CVO) received positive test results for PEDv from a Manitoba batch-farrow sow barn.

The CVO has consulted with the producer’s private veterinarian and has activated Manitoba Agriculture’s Emergency Operation Centre. Control measures were implemented immediately, and a plan has been developed for restricted site access, barn clean-up and animal care.

Producers within a five-kilometer radius of the infected site have been alerted, and are monitoring their herds and collecting samples for testing.

For biosecurity and animal care issues, contact Mark Fynn, manager of quality assurance and animal care programs at Manitoba Pork, at 204-235-2302 or


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