Manure Manager

Ohio manure nutrient workshop

December 9, 2009  by  Marg Land


Ohio manure nutrient workshop
Ohio farmers may attend the Manure Nutrient Management workshops Dec. 14.

December 4, 2009, Bucyrus,
OH – Ohio farmers may attend the Manure Nutrient Management workshops Dec. 14.

Two meeting times will be
available: from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Nevada Fire Station, 100 Grant St.,
Nevada, OH; or 6 to 9 p.m. dinner meeting at the Seneca County Ag Center, 3140
Ohio 100 South, Tiffin, OH.

Topics will include the
nutrient value of applied manure, manure management plans and fertilizer

Reservations are $20,
which includes a meal and materials ($5 for additional people from the same
farm). Fees may be paid at the door.

For details or to RSVP,
call OSU Extension in Wyandot County at 419-294-4931, the Wyandot SWCD at
419-294-2312, Crawford SWCD at 419-562-8280, or Kendall Stucky at 419-447-7073
before Dec. 11.


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