Manure Manager

Features Applications Beef
Money for EQIP available

December 22, 2009  by  Marg Land

December 16, Davis, CA –
Applications for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) are being
accepted throughout California.

December 16, Davis, CA –
Applications for the Environmental Quality Incentives Program (EQIP) are being
accepted throughout California.

The applications will be
accepted USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) offices through to
January 15, 2010.

Two parts of EQIP have an
extended sign-up period – the organic initiative and combustion engine
emissions reduction initiative. These two facets of EQIP are only in their
second year and producers may need extra time to enroll. The engine emissions
reduction portion has $13.4 million available and the organic initiative has
$2.4 million available. Sign-up is open until January 29 for both special

In fiscal year 2009,
California NRCS worked with farmers and ranchers on $77 million of conservation
contracts, setting a new record high in the state. The contracts covered a
broad spectrum of natural resource enhancements including increasing irrigation
efficiency; nutrient and manure management on dairies; grazing land management;
riparian buffers and wildlife habitat; wetland protection; forest management
and more. Assistance can be in the form of structures and conservation
"hardware" such as irrigation or manure management facilities, as
well as incentive payments for proper management to achieve environmental

Applications for EQIP are
accepted year around. However, for initial funding consideration during fiscal
year 2010, applications received by January 15 will be given first priority. To
view EQIP information, visit to the California NRCS web site.


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