Manure Manager

Managing manure on small farms

May 27, 2008  by  Marg Land


Managing manure on small farms

The Livestock and
Poultry Environmental (LPE) Learning Center is providing an educational
webcast June 20, 2008 on managing manure on small farms. A wide variety of operations can be considered small farms but they all share at least one thing in common – an obligation to minimize their environmental impact.

May 27, 2008 – The Livestock and Poultry Environmental (LPE) Learning Center is providing an educational webcast June 20, 2008 on managing manure on small farms.

lpelclogoThe term “small farm” can bring to mind anything from a couple of horses on a few acres to a family dairy or feedlot. Despite the wide variety of operations that can be considered small farms, they all share some things in common. These include the obligation to minimize their environmental impact and the limited resources (time, money) available to accomplish that. There is a great deal of information developed specifically to assist small-scale animal operations with these challenges.

During the webcast, speakers will give a guided tour of several of these resources and discuss the considerations that go into developing a manure nutrient plan for small farms.

Presenters include:

The webcast is being held June 20, 2008 starting at 2:30 pm (eastern), 1:30 pm (central), 12:30 pm (mountain), 11:30 am (pacific).


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