Manure Manager

Instinct Nitrogen Stabilizer protects liquid manure applications

August 19, 2009  by  Marg Land


Instinct Nitrogen Stabilizer
protects liquid manure applications

Dow AgroSciences recently
announced that federal registration had been received for Instinct
nitrogen stabilizer for use with UAN and liquid manure.

August 19, 2009, Indianapolis, Ind. — Dow AgroSciences recently announced that federal registration had been received for Instinct™ nitrogen stabilizer for use with UAN and liquid manure.

According to Dow, Instinct protects nitrogen at the plant root zone, keeping it easily available to corn during key yield-determining growth stages. Studies also show that nitrapyrin, the active ingredient in Instinct, optimizes the yield potential of corn by increasing grain protein, improving standability, reducing the risk of stalk rot and enabling faster crop drydown.

Under a 24(c) Special Local Needs Registration in Iowa in 2008, on-farm field trials showed that fields treated with Instinct out-yielded nontreated fields by an average of five bushels per acre.

Instinct supports environmentally beneficial farming practices by reducing nitrogen leaching into groundwater and reducing denitrification, the escape of nitrogen into the atmosphere.

Chris Berry, market development specialist with Dow AgroSciences, says that as an encapsulated product, Instinct can remain on the soil surface for up to 10 days, giving growers maximum flexibility in application timing.

In addition, Instinct is easy handling, noncorrosive and requires no special application equipment.


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