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Growing the Margins preliminary program available

December 9, 2008  by Growing the Margins


Growing the Margins preliminary program available
The preliminary programs for the 3rd
Annual Growing the Margins and 1st Annual Canadian Farm and Food Biogas
Conferences and Exhibition are now available.

The preliminary programs for the 3rd Annual Growing the Margins and 1st Annual Canadian Farm and Food Biogas Conferences and Exhibition are now available.

They can be viewed on the conference websites at and
These are the premier conferences in Canada for learning the latest developments in technologies, processes and programs for improving productivity on farms and in food processing in terms of energy conservation, renewable energy generation, bioproducts and byproducts. Presenters from Europe, the U.S., Canada and elsewhere will share their experiences with new solutions, implementing projects, community relations, government policies and other matters of importance.
Early registration is available for the conferences as well as several other quality events, including the European Union/Ontario Biogas Networking Forum, Biomass Heat Networking Forum, Air Quality in Rural Ontario Workshop, Building Your Biogas System Workshop, and the popular technical tours.


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