Manure Manager

Get the facts on selling, buying manure in Iowa

January 2, 2009  by Iowa Manure Management Action Group


Get the facts on selling, buying manure in Iowa

Selling and Buying Manure in Iowa,
a fact sheet developed by members of the Iowa Manure Management Action
Group (IMMAG), is now available.

December. 12, 2008, Des Moines, IA – Selling and Buying Manure in Iowa , a fact sheet developed by members of the Iowa Manure Management Action Group (IMMAG) is now available.

This fact sheet is the tenth fact sheet in the series and is written to assist producers in Iowa who want to sell or buy animal manure. The series of fact sheets, including the newly released Selling and Buying Manure in Iowa, is available at

“This valuable tool comes at a time when more farmers are considering the application of manure as an alternative to high priced commercial fertilizers this fall,” said Angela Rieck-Hinz, Iowa State University Extension program specialist. “The fact sheet discusses selling regulated and non-regulated manure sources as well as things to consider when buying manure.”

Because of the many rules associated with manure management, regulated by either the Iowa Department of Natural Resources or the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship , IMMAG members identified topics they felt the state’s crop and livestock producers needed as a resource. In addition to buying and selling manure, topics have included land application, winter manure application, crop availability of manure nutrients and financial resources for livestock operations.

The fact sheets are available through IMMAG’s web site at


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