Manure Manager

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Winter application fertilizer, manure regulated in DE

December 8, 2014  by  Marg Land

December 8, 2014, Dover, DE – Delaware farmers, lawn care companies, golf courses and other nutrient handlers should not apply nutrients to the ground during the winter months, the Delaware Department of Agriculture says in a reminder.

State regulations adopted by the Delaware Nutrient Management Commission in 2007 prohibit certified nutrient handlers from applying commercial and manure-based fertilizer from Dec. 7 to Feb. 15, the time of year most vulnerable for nutrient runoff. Application may also not occur on snow-covered or frozen ground, or on impervious surfaces such as sidewalks, roads or other paved areas.

“Most rain runoff occurs in the winter and spring, so this is the prime season,” said Larry Towle, nutrient management program administrator. “Protecting nutrients from runoff during the winter is imperative.”

Failure to comply with the winter application regulations may result in a compliance and enforcement hearing before the commission.


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