Manure Manager

2021 webinar series: Manure Mondays

October 13, 2021  By Bree Rody

After a successful summer, the dynamic online manure learning continues!

Together, Manure Manager and OMAFRA bring you a series of “Manure Mondays,” featuring webinars to help you stay at the top of your game with your manure application and management practices. You’ll hear from leading experts on all things related to manure management.

Click here to register for free to attend the upcoming webinars.

Questions about submitting CCA-CEU’s for Manure Mondays? Email


Oct. 25, 2:00 p.m. ET

Timing matters

Bruce Kelly and Dale Cowan as they review 4R nutrient stewardship and the application of nutrients at the right time, right place, right rate and using the right source. The right timing can be difficult considering all the farm logistics where manure management is only one component. This webinar will examine the current regulatory and voluntary approaches to nutrient management with a focus on why timing matters.

Approved CCA-CEU: 1.0 Nutrient Management

Watch below:


Nov. 1, 2:00 p.m. ET

Nitrogen inhibitors with manure

John Lauzon and Melissa Wilson answer the question: can inhibitors that slow nitrification, mineralization or volatilization of nitrogen work with manure?

Approved CCA-CEU: 1.0 Nutrient Management

Watch below:

Nov 8 – 2pm ET – Management of Manure Nutrients for Reuse

Speakers: Tim Carter (Fabtech WWS) Teng Lim (U of Missouri), Phil Dick (OMAFRA)

Opportunities for value added from solids separation to composting to nutrient extraction

Watch below:

Nov 15  2pm ET – Managing Municipal Organic Amendments

Speakers: Michael Lishman (LP Consulting), Michael Dougherty (Residual Solutions), Andy Bary (Washington State U)

Municipal organics provide a “manure” source for non-livestock farms. What’s available? Best management of municipal amendments for nutrients, organic matter, and maximum return on investment

Nov 22 – 2pm ET – Managing Manure to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Speakers: Claudia Wagner-Riddle – (U of Guelph) (this session was originally presented at 2021 Manure Expo, but Claudia will be available to answer questions)

What management practices can help reduce GHG emissions and potentially aid in increasing carbon storage in the soil?

Nov 29 – 2pm ET –  Uber Manure

Speakers: Mel Luymes (OPACA), Andy DeVries (Crop Quest), Glen Arnold (Ohio State U)

With increasing fertilizer prices it makes sense to move manure from areas of high fertility. Find out about some of the arrangements currently in place such as manure buying, selling or trading, pipelines, and manure registries


Dec 6 – 2pm ET – Phosphorus and Manure

Speakers: Merrin Macrae (U of Waterloo) (this session was originally presented at 2021 Manure Expo, but Merrin will be available to answer questions)

Is right time, right place enough when it comes to reducing phosphorus movement? What has field research revealed about manure application practices and phosphorus management

Dec 13 – 2pm ET –  Contingency Planning – Learning from 2020 hindsight

Speakers: Trevor Robak (OMAFRA)

Manure happens – what could have been done to prevent problems 

View more upcoming webinars here.