The North American Manure Expo T-shirt contest is back!
April 12, 2019 by Manure Manager magazine
The North American Manure Expo is an unforgettable event and as such, it needs an unforgettable slogan.
Officials with the 2019 North American Manure Expo – being held July 31 and Aug. 1 in Fair Oaks, Indiana – are asking for your help in coming up with this year’s Top 10 Manure Expo Slogans.
Do you have an idea for a memorable, funny, clever, ironic or thought-provoking manure-related slogan? Share it with us! Submit your slogan ideas HERE until May 6th.
From these submissions Expo planners will select 50 slogans to be voted on by the public. The top 10 slogans (as selected via online voting) will be printed on the back of the 2019 North American Manure Expo event T-shirt.
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