Manure Manager

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Tax ruling against PA dairy threatens composting

May 13, 2011  by Lancaster Online

May 13, 2011, Lancaster,
PA – The Lancaster County Board of Assessment Appeals voted 2-1 against a PA
dairy, Oregon Dairy, saying the farm’s new manure-composting operation violates
the state’s “Clean and Green” reduced-tax status.
May 13, 2011, Lancaster,
PA – The Lancaster County Board of Assessment Appeals voted 2-1 against a PA
dairy, Oregon Dairy, saying the farm’s new manure-composting operation violates
the state’s “Clean and Green” reduced-tax status.

That means the Manheim Township
dairy has to pay seven years in back taxes on 55 acres of farmland. It also
might throw a wet blanket over large-scale agricultural composting, recently
hailed as one solution to farm runoff problems and a tool for cleaning up the
Chesapeake Bay.

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