Manure Manager

Seeding annual ryegrass with manure slurry

September 8, 2010  by Annual Ryegrass Cover Crop Blog

September 8, 2010 –
Seeding annual ryegrass this year should be a piece of cake, compared to last,
when many farmers flew on the seed or bagged the idea of doing a cover crop
entirely, simply because the harvest came off the fields so late.

September 8, 2010 –
Seeding annual ryegrass this year should be a piece of cake, compared to last,
when many farmers flew on the seed or bagged the idea of doing a cover crop
entirely, simply because the harvest came off the fields so late.

This year’s a different
story. Many are already well into harvest activities and so there’s plenty of
time left to plant annual ryegrass any way you’d like: drill, broadcast or
flown on.

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