Manure Manager

San Antonio to host farm and ranch show

May 6, 2009  by  Marg Land

May 6, 2009, San Antonio, Tx. – Preparations are under way for the
first San Antonio International Farm & Ranch show to taking place
Oct. 8-10, 2009.

May 6, 2009, San Antonio, Tx. – Preparations are under way for the first San Antonio International Farm & Ranch show to taking place Oct. 8-10, 2009.

The event takes place at Freeman Coliseum and its surrounding grounds, located at 3201 E. Houston St., San Antonio, TX.

The show will have an extensive educational program in addition to showcasing the newest products and technologies in the farming and ranching industries.

Show admission will be free.

Bryan Davis, AgriLife Extension agent for natural resources in Bexar County, said the show’s free educational seminars will address a wide variety of topics including: the U.S. Farm Bill; tillage and irrigation technologies; livestock fertility management; precision agriculture and GPS technology; new seed developments; alternative crops; biofuels; water and sustainable agriculture; farm alternative energy; beef production; sheep and goat marketing; nature-based tourism; whitetail deer management; feral hog control; and other risk management, marketing, livestock and wildlife education tracks.   

For more information on the show, call 210-226-1177 or visit


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