Manure Manager

Features Applications Poultry
Proposed plan to burn waste raises concerns

September 13, 2011  by Fayetteville Observer

September 12, 2011,
Candor, NC  – A proposal to build a
power plant fueled by incinerating tons of chicken waste near a key Moore
County water source is drawing concern from Southern Pines residents.
September 12, 2011,
Candor, NC  – A proposal to build a
power plant fueled by incinerating tons of chicken waste near a key Moore
County water source is drawing concern from Southern Pines residents.

Mountaire Farms wants to
construct a plant in Candor that would burn up to 8,000 pounds of poultry
litter, a mixture of manure and wood chips, per hour and generate up to 5.4
million kilowatt hours of electricity per year.

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