Manure Manager

Nutrient management software available

April 30, 2008  by Manure Manager

SNAP-Plus is an MS Windows-based
nutrient management planning software program designed for the
preparation of nutrient management plans in accordance with Wisconsin’s
Nutrient Management Standard Code 590.

    SNAP-Plus is an MS Windows-based nutrient management planning software program designed for the preparation of nutrient management plans in accordance with Wisconsin’s Nutrient Management Standard Code 590.

    The software is still in development, but is nearing completion and is in testing. A public version for testing and comment is available from the “Current Version” link at

    SNAP-Plus will calculate:

  •  Crop nutrient (N, P2O5, K2O) recommendations for all fields on a farm, taking into account legume N and manure nutrient credits consistent with University of Wisconsin recommendations;
  •  A RUSLE2-based soil loss assessment that will allow producers to determine whether fields which receive fertilizer or manure applications meet tolerable soil loss requirements;
  •  A rotational Phosphorus Index value for all fields as required for using the P Index for phosphorus management;
  •  A four-year P Balance as required for using soil test P as the criteria for phosphorus management.


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