Manure Manager

Changes in rules affect manure handling in Iowa

April 28, 2008  by Manure Manager

  Iowa livestock and poultry
producers who need a permit to build, modify or expand a confinement
feeding operation need to be aware of some recent rule changes.

    Iowa livestock and poultry producers who need a permit to build, modify or expand a confinement feeding operation need to be aware of some recent rule changes.

    One change expands the number of people who can do a groundwater determination from engineers to engineers, certified groundwater professionals and qualified Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) employees. “It’s very important that producers accurately identify the groundwater table before building,” said Sara Smith, a DNR engineer.“All confinement pits and manure storage, regardless of size, must be installed above the groundwater table or the groundwater table must be lowered.”

    In other rule changes, confinement producers with more than 500 animal units who plan to install a permanent manure transfer piping system must apply for a construction permit. Permits are not required for draglines used in manure application.


    Generally, construction permits are required to build, modify or expand a confinement feeding operation that uses earthen storage, and any operation that will have more than 1,000 animal units using concrete or steel manure storage.


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