Manure Manager

New opportunity for farmers to earn carbon credits

March 27, 2008  by Environmental Credit


An innovative Lagoon Cover Program
from Environmental Credit Corp (ECC) is getting a good deal of
attention from dairy and hog producers in the US.


An innovative Lagoon Cover Program from Environmental Credit Corp (ECC) is getting a good deal of attention from dairy and hog producers in the US. In the new program, ECC partners with livestock producers to install covers on manure storage lagoons to capture methane, a potent greenhouse gas, thereby producing valuable carbon credits and an added source of farm income.

With the backing of private investment dollars targeting greenhouse gas reductions, ECC provides the basic lagoon cover system, including a gas meter and flare, at no cost to the farmer.

As the carbon credit market grows, livestock producers stand poised to earn substantially through their emissions reductions, the company says. ECC helps each farm reap the benefits of the lagoon cover system, including carbon credits, odor and pest control, rainfall and dust control, and the possibility of using the renewable biogas fuel.


Having partnered with the leading cover manufacturer in the country, ECC will design, install and maintain the lagoon cover system entirely on the farmer’s behalf. The lagoon cover system is guaranteed for ten years and the farmer has the option to buy the system at any time. All the while, the project earns carbon credits which can produce a regular revenue stream or be banked for future sale.

With state-of-the-art technology and a team of scientific and business leaders, ECC is said to be uniquely qualified to implement the program. ECC’s comprehensive planning determines what’s best for each individual farm. Shunning a one-size-fits-all mentality, ECC conducts site visits and takes great care to meet a farmer’s needs.


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