New manure nutrient management research available
October 27, 2008 by ohn Sawyer Department of Agronomy Iowa State University
New manure nutrient management research available
To help Iowa crop producers make the
most of Iowa’s available manure nutrient resources, Iowa State
University Extension recently developed an updated publication, Using
Manure Nutrients for Crop Production – PMR 1003.
October 21, 2008, Des Moines, IA – To help Iowa crop producers make the most of Iowa’s available manure nutrient resources, Iowa State University Extension recently developed an updated publication, Using Manure Nutrients for Crop Production – PMR 1003.
“The publication will help producers manage manure applications for best use as a nutrient resource and therefore help reduce fertilizer requirements. This can help provide for good crop production and minimize environmental influences,” said John Sawyer, Extension soil fertility and nutrient management specialist and publication co-author. “The publication incorporates new research findings, including updates for estimating manure nutrient crop availability. This includes first-year availability, and when appropriate, subsequent crop-year availability.”
The publication also has examples for determining the rates need to meet crop fertilization requirements from manure sources.
The publication has in-depth discussion on managing manure nutrients for crop production – especially manure nutrient characteristics, similarity/differences to fertilizer nutrients, manure nutrient processing in soils, and management practices that can affect nutrient supply and success as a nutrient resource for growing crops. This information will be of interest to both crop and livestock producers, as well as agency personnel and crop advisers.
The revised publication can be purchased or downloaded from the ISU Extension online store at