Manure Manager

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Manure spilled in Carroll County, Iowa

November 15, 2016  by Iowa Department of Natural Resources

November 15, 2016, Breda, IA – On Nov. 11, a landowner reported a manure spill about three miles northwest of the city of Breda in northwest Carrol County.

The Iowa Department of Natural Resources investigated the spill, finding that an unknown amount of manure flowed into an underground tile intake after a tanker became stuck in a marshy area. With Carroll County’s help, the DNR traced the manure underground through tile lines to an unnamed tributary that eventually flows into the Boyer River. There were no dead fish seen below the spill area.

The manure came from a hog facility during land application by a commercial manure applicator company. Those involved plugged the tile intake and dammed the area around the spill, pumping the diluted manure to a nearby crop field.

Pumping will continue for a few days because of the marshy conditions.

The DNR is monitoring the cleanup and will consider appropriate enforcement action.


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