Manure Manager

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Manure Expo: Up close and personal

July 20, 2016  by  Marg Land

July 20, 2016, London, Ohio – The 2016 North American Manure Expo – taking place August 3 and 4 at the Molly Caren Agricultural Center near London, Ohio – provides the perfect opportunity for custom applicators and livestock producers to get up close and personal with the latest technology in manure handling, treatment and application.

The key to Manure Expo is demonstrations and the 2016 event provides numerous opportunities for attendees to view side-by-side comparisons of equipment in action. On August 3, participants can view different kinds of equipment at work on various tour stops involved in beef and dairy production plus composting/nutrient management. The final visit of the day will showcase lagoon agitation equipment at work on a local dairy operation. On August 4, manure application demonstrations – including solid and liquid manure spreaders, compost turners, subsurface drainage plus spreader calibration – are planned. Nowhere else can the audience kick the tires in such a large, industry-specific forum.

Registration for the North American Manure Expo is free (tours cost $20) and available online at

Education sessions for the 2016 expo have been divided into specific areas of interest, including small farm manure management, cover crops, water quality initiatives and regulations, reducing phosphorous runoff, liquid and solid manure handling and application, manure safety and transport, anaerobic digestion, new technologies, and biosecurity procedures. Separate presentation areas have been designated around the expo grounds and sessions will be available at various scheduled times.

Continuing education units (CEU) for Ohio, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Michigan, Illinois and Indiana have been approved for the majority of the education sessions, demonstrations and tours. They can be viewed here:

Another important element of Manure Expo is the one-of-a-kind trade show. More than 90 manufacturers and service providers will be exhibiting their wares, providing attendees an opportunity to talk to manufacturers, dealers and other experts in the manure industry.

For more information on the 2016 North American Manure Expo, including a detailed agenda of tours and educational sessions plus directions to the Molly Caren Agricultural Center, please visit


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