Manure Manager

Features Applications Beef
Manure Expo hits Pennsylvania

June 29, 2010  by Manure Manager

The 8th Manure Expo will be hitting the event’s sixth state, as the annual national event hits Pennsylvania July 15.
The 8th Manure Expo will be hitting the event’s sixth state, as the annual national event hits Pennsylvania July 15. The 2010 Manure Expo is running under the theme “Balancing Production and Conservation,” and will be held at the Russell E. Larson Agricultural Research Center in Rock Springs, Pa. As always, the event combines an industry trade show, manure technology demonstrations, educational events, including continuing education for certified haulers, and youth education.

While the state has 8,500 dairies, 550,000 milking cows, 9,500 poultry farms, and over four million hogs, Manure Expo will draw from an even wider audience. The event is within a day’s drive of New York, Maryland, Virginia, Delaware, West Virginia, New Jersey and Ohio.

Manure handlers, applicators and brokers, as well as dairy, livestock, and poultry producers, will gather to learn from experts on:

  • Manure application in no-till agriculture
  • Manure spreader calibration
  • Mortality composting, theory and practice (see our cover story this issue)
  • Manure application and odor
  • In-field storage of manure
  • In-house poultry litter management
  • Manure application in alfalfa and legumes
  • Using dairy solids as bedding
  • Alternative treatment of manure: Digestion, litter burning, pyrolysis
  • Manure application and flies
  • Nutrient trading and innovative community treatment projects
  • Soil compaction field exercise
  • Manure application in cover crops
  • Manure application on frozen and snow-covered soil

This will be in conjunction with field demonstrations of the latest in solid manure and compost handling and application equipment, as well as liquid manure handling and application equipment. There will also be a host of manure safety demonstrations, including ventilation of manure storage to reduce the risk while entering, as well as manure spill response.

The event is sponsored by Penn State’s College of Agricultural Sciences and will feature over 50 vendor exhibitors. Manure Expo 2011 will be held for the first time in Nebraska.

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Learn how manure incorporation technology can reduce both odors and nutrient losses.

 One of the goals of Manure Expo is to allow plenty of time to visit the vendors.

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 About 1,000 people attended the Expo.

A prototype poultry litter injector was demonstrated at Manure Expo 2009.


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