Manure Manager

Manure demos being held at Wisconsin Farm Technology Days

April 14, 2009  by  Marg Land

cravebrothersApril 10, 2009 – Manure – it’s a resource and a headache. From environmental regulations to dairy operation capital investments,
nutrient and environmental management touches nearly every aspect of a
dairy operation.

April 10, 2009 – Manure – it’s a resource and a headache.

cravebrothersFrom environmental regulations to dairy operation capital investments, nutrient and environmental management touches nearly every aspect of a dairy operation.

With that in mind, the 2009 Wisconsin Farm Technology Days – being held July 21 to 23 at Crave Brothers Farm – field demonstrations will include, for the first time, manure application demonstrations.

The goals, according to Jordan Crave, manure management demonstration chairman, is to include:

  • education demonstrations promoting the positive aspects of the manure application industry;
  • various types of application equipment;
  • incorporation of manure while maintaining surface crop residues;
  • GPS auto steer technologies;
  • Accurate application rates;
  • Minimizing odors during application; and
  • Analysis of dollar value of the manure compared to its fertilizer value (utilizing actual information from Craves nutrient management plan).

There will be two 30-minute demonstration sessions each day of the show. This demonstration will be included with a 1.5 hour manure management tour that begins with a look at the Crave farm’s manure digester and solids separation system, and a composting demonstration.

While there will not be an actual “spill” response demonstration, the demonstrators will bring out response equipment that would be used in the event of a spill just to illustrate effective ways of dealing with a spill. These include a skid loader, box spreader with waste feed or other absorbent material; a vacuum truck and chisel plow.

Visitors will have further opportunity to learn about manure management by visiting the Applied Technology Tent where members of the Professional Nutrient Applicators Association of Wisconsin will have a booth with display that compliments field demonstrations.

Wisconsin Farm Technology Days is Wisconsin’s premier agricultural technology exposition and the state’s largest outdoor agricultural show. The annual three-day event showcases the latest technology in production agriculture to more than 80,000 visitors.

The 2009 show, hosted by the Crave Brothers – George, Charles, Tom an Mark – will feature tours of the farm that includes a high producing 1100-cow Holstein herd, farmstead cheese factory where the family crafts specialty award winning cheeses, and an automated manure digester that collects valuable biogas from the manure to generate electricity, reduce odors, and create a material that is marketed as a plant potting mix.

More than 1000 commercial exhibitors bring the latest products and service offerings.
Educational and entertaining activities take place throughout the show all three days.

WFTD is presented in partnership with Wisconsin Farm Technology Days, Inc., UW-Extension and teaming with a host county. Hundreds of Dodge County volunteers have been working on plans for the show for several years.

Camping is available at nearby Astico Park, a campgrounds and park located just five miles from Farm Technology Days.

To learn more about the show, visit To make camping arrangements, click on the Astico Park link.


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