August 3, 2010, Sioux
Center, IA – A concrete manure storage basin near Sioux Center was inundated by
floodwaters of the West Branch of the Floyd River on July 30.
August 3, 2010, Sioux
Center, IA – A concrete manure storage basin near Sioux Center was inundated by
floodwaters of the West Branch of the Floyd River on July 30.
The concrete basin was
used for an 800-head building at a hog operation located southeast of Sioux
Center and owned by Farmers Cooperative Society. Rising waters of the West
Branch of the Floyd River covered the concrete structure by the evening of July
30, but did not reach the building where the hogs were located.
Approximately 50 dead
fish, mostly smaller varieties of minnows and chubs, were found in the
immediate area of the concrete basin.
The concrete basin will be
pumped once the flood waters have receded.
The Iowa Department of
Natural Resources will be working with the owners to look at ways of preventing
the basin from being inundated again.