Manure Manager

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Manure Application Uniformity Field Days

August 14, 2017  by Iowa Manure Management Action Group

After an applicator demonstration, participants were able to check the amount of water in each drum. Rachel Kennedy, Ag & Natural Resources, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach

August 14, 2017, Ames, IA – For the past two months, Iowa State University Extension and Outreach hosted demonstrations on manure application uniformity.

Four field days were held across Iowa. First and foremost, Extension would like to thank those who attended, the companies who helped host these events, and all those involved in the planning and execution of these field days.

More than 150 people showed up to learn more about using manure as a fertilizer resource, be informed on the science behind selecting application rates, and see some equipment demonstrations on different injection styles and evaluate how uniform manure application is at different rates.


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