Manure Manager

Features Applications Beef
ISU Dairy Days feature farm profitability

January 6, 2010  by  Marg Land

January 6, 2010, Ames, IA
– Iowa dairy producers will have the opportunity to hear Iowa State University
Extension specialists share information on emerging dairy industry issues at
the 2010 ISU Extension Dairy Days scheduled at seven eastern Iowa locations.

January 6, 2010, Ames, IA
– Iowa dairy producers will have the opportunity to hear Iowa State University
specialists share information on emerging dairy industry issues at
the 2010 ISU Extension Dairy Days scheduled at seven eastern Iowa locations.

ISU Extension’s Dairy Team
provides research-based information for producers to use in making herd
management decisions. This year, producers will learn about current issues in
pasteurizing milk for calves from Jennifer Bentley from the NE IA Dairy
. Angie Rieck-Hinz will discuss manure stewardship and current manure
regulations and Dr. Larry Tranel will answer the question, “Am I Making a

In the afternoon portion
of the program, Dr. Lee Kilmer will talk about cutting feed costs without
cutting profits. Dr. Leo Timms will address heifer and cow pregnancy issues and
Dale Thoreson will address feed and forage quality issues for this year and
concerns with mycotoxins.

Dairy Days will be offered
at seven locations this year:

  • January 18 in Elma
  • January 19 in Calmar
  • January 20 in Waverly
  • February 1 in Bloomfield
  • February 2 in Kalona
  • February 3 in Holy Cross
  • February 4 in Ryan

Registration starts at
9:30 a.m. and the program will conclude by 3 p.m. Details about each date are
available from your county ISU Extension office.

A $10 registration fee
covers a meal and proceedings costs. Pre-registration is requested by the
Friday before each event and to reserve a meal. Vouchers may be available from
local ag-service providers or veterinarians.

Producers may also take
advantage of free feed testing by bringing a Ziploc bag of TMR, silage or grain
samples (approx. one quart) for particle size analysis.

For more information,
contact your local county ISU Extension office or Dr. Leo Timms at


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