Manure Manager

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GA set to change hog manure rules

October 29, 2013  by Statesboro Herald

October 28, 2013, Atlanta, GA — Georgia would loosen rules meant to prevent hog manure from washing into streams and rivers under a proposal before regulators, but critics argue environmental harm would come from the plan touted by backers as a way to help level the economic playing field.

In August, members of Georgia’s Board of Natural Resources discussed the proposal, which would raise the threshold at which farmers must comply with tougher and more expensive environmental rules from 7,500 pigs to 12,500 pigs for animals weighing 55 pounds or more. The same threshold for hogs weighing less than 55 pounds would rise from 30,000 to 50,000 pigs. A vote is expected before the end of the year. READ MORE


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