Environment Protection
United States
Funding for nutrient management training in WI
February 2, 2016 by Press release
February 2, 2016, Madison, WI – Application materials are available from the Wisconsin Department of Agriculture for 2016 Nutrient Management Farmer Education Grants.
The program awards funding to agencies and other organizations to train farmers in nutrient management. Applications are available at datcp.wi.gov. Completed applications are due Friday, April 15. Applications must be submitted via email.
There are two grant categories:
- Tier I grants fund projects that offer incentive payments to farmers for soil testing and other elements needed to complete a nutrient management plan. These grant projects also include workshops, on-farm visits, developing methods for farmers to measure their manure application rates, and completion of a nutrient management plan. These grants are capped at $20,000.
- Tier II grants fund projects that educate farmers about soil testing and nutrient management without providing any financial incentives to them. These grants are capped at $2,500.
Eligible applicants include conservation districts; county, state and federal agricultural and natural resources agencies; colleges and universities; University of Wisconsin-Extension; nonprofit organizations; and lake organizations and similar place-based groups. Several organizations may apply jointly to provide training, with one organization designated as the grant recipient.