Manure Manager

CAFO group wins Purdue award

May 11, 2010  by Manure Manager

May 4, 2010, West Lafayette, IN – A group of Purdue
University specialists who collaborated on research and public information
about concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) has won the 2010 Purdue
Agriculture Team Award.

May 4, 2010, West Lafayette, IN – A group of Purdue
specialists who collaborated on research and public information
about concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFOs) has won the 2010 Purdue
Agriculture Team Award.

The team, made up of 21 members representing five
departments within Purdue’s College of Agriculture and Purdue Extension,
conducted an extensive study of Indiana CAFOs, hosted a public forum to discuss
the results, launched an informational website and produced more than 20
CAFO-related Extension publications.

“This team’s work is a true multidisciplinary effort focused
on an important issue facing both production agriculture and community
decision-makers,” said Jay Akridge, Purdue’s Glenn W. Sample dean of
agriculture. “The group approached the research in a novel way and developed
important fact-based information to help stakeholders make more informed
decisions about CAFOs in their communities.”

The CAFO team was formed in 2007 in response to public
concerns about the growth of confined animal facilities in Indiana. There are
more than 600 CAFOs operating in Indiana.

CAFO team will receive a $10,000 cash prize to be used for further research and
outreach projects.


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