July 13, 2009 – A Cornell University study found dairy farming in 2007
produced 24 percent of the manure and 43 percent of the methane output
per gallon of milk compared to farming in 1944.
July 13, 2009 – A Cornell University study found dairy farming in 2007 produced 24 percent of the manure and 43 percent of the methane output per gallon of milk compared to farming in 1944.
Jude Capper, lead author of the study, and Roger Cady, a scientist at Elanco who contributed to the study, will present their research during a July 31 webcast from eXtension.
They will highlight research on calculating the carbon footprint of animal agriculture, especially in dairies. They will emphasize the role of production efficiency. The free educational webcast is from the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center of eXtension.
The Friday, July 31 session begins at 2:30 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time. The webcast meeting room opens 15 minutes before the start time. Go to http://www.extension.org/pages/Live_Webcast_Information to view.