Manure Manager

News Applications Beef
Alberta feedlot application rejected

September 13, 2022  by Manure Manager

A 2021 application from G&S Cattle to construct a new 4,000 beef finisher confined feeding operation in Pigeon Lake, AB has been denied approval under the Agricultural Operation Practices Act (AOPA) due to what approval officer Nathan Shirley named as “inappropriate use of land and unacceptable effects on community.”

The proposed operation was found to meet a number of AOPA technical standards related to manure, including having sufficient means to control surface runoff. The decision also stated that the application meets AOPA groundwater protection requirements for the design of floors and liners/protective layers of manure storage facilities and manure collection areas. However, one of the areas of contention was the proposed catch basin, with its proposed location updated in August. The proposed catch basin in its new location was determined to “likely” not meet the AOPA’s protective layer requirements, nor the requirement for one metre of separation between the facility and the uppermost groundwater resource. The application also did not meet the setback to water wells, although Shirley said this could be remedied, and if the NRCB board were to overturn his decision following a review, a condition to address the existing water wells at the proposed operation should be considered.

Shirley wrote, “If the NRCB Board reviews this decision and considers reversing my denial, I would recommend that additional geotechnical investigative work be carried out for the updated catch basin location to determine if the catch basin is able to meet the AOPA groundwater protection requirements in that location.”

Those whose applications are denied may request a review of the decision.



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